Thursday, October 15, 2009

Some people apparently can't read.

Half the tech sites I see seem to be claiming that the "leaked build of Chrome OS" doesn't exist.  Alright, they're correct.  One problem with that.  I never claimed to have a leaked build of the OS.

I can't tell the writers over at TechCrunch what to write.  If they feel like making the title misleading, so be it.  The article itself wasn't too misleading, but I think many people couldn't quite get past the headline.  I think PC World's article was the best so far because it wasn't misleading at all.  It clearly stated that it was the browser, not the OS, just as I did here.

Another thing I noticed was the whole "Rapidshare" thing.  Alright, so scroll down a bit and you'll see a Dropbox link I added shortly after posting it (after reading a comment about Rapidshare in the TechCrunch article).  Maybe I should have removed the Rapidshare link too, I don't know, but is it really that big of a deal?

Also, since people are complaining about that... any suggestions for a non-searchable download service that -doesn't- reward uploaders?