Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Google Phones, Google Operating Systems, and Google Wave Invites

Well well, look what's been happening over the last few days.  Lots of new Google news.

First of all, there's a Chrome OS event scheduled for tomorrow.  Apparently, we'll be getting their launch plans and a "complete overview", so this could be quite interesting.  I'm guessing this one won't turn out like that other one.

TechCrunch is also reporting that the Google phone does exist... and may end up being a data-only device reliant on VoIP.  Sounds interesting, but Google has denied all rumors of a Google phone in the past.  We'll see, Mike, we'll see.

On another note, I've got 8 Google Wave invites to give out.  Follow @googleworldblog on Twitter and retweet this tweet to enter.  I'll select the winners on the 23rd.  (Also, this is the first time I've done this, so if anyone has any tips on an automated method of doing this... that would be nice.  Otherwise I could see it getting out of hand if enough people notice.)
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